Pro Bono Services

Do you have an invention or a product that will make the world a better place? Do you lack funding for legal assistance? 


Contact us. We might choose your case as our next pro bono!


1. “Nicomedia Legal Associates LLP” or “we” (or derivatives) or “the Firm” means the Nicomedia Legal Associates LLP contracting party. The "Applicant" or "You"(or derivatives) ; means the seeker of Pro Bono Services as will be named in our electronic and written communication (the “Engagement Letter”); subjective acceptance.

2.Nicomedia Legal Associates LLP reserves the right not to accept the invention request and subsequent instructions in respect of its pro bono services , or to decline to continue to act further.

3.The applicant certifies to reveal to the firm, truthfully and to the best of his/her knowledge, the complete details of its inventions and prior applications filed in the matter (if any).

4. By registering for Pro bono services of the Firm , the applicant agrees to and confirms that the documents provided by him/her are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. If found to be incorrect at any stage, the applicant may be liable for any appropriate action, as per law of the land.

5. An applicant may, at any time, choose to discontinue availing of services , by signing a digital agreement with the firm.

6. You acknowledge that we will rely on your agreements and waivers set forth in the "Engagement Letter".

7. The firm will act for you only and not any other person, affiliates or other related entities. No third party may rely upon our advice unless this is agreed to by us in writing.

8. The firm will not be advising on, the commercial , fundings , or financial aspects of the Matter.

9. Pro Bono Services would entail registration of intellectual property rights services alone. No free legal representation and advice before courts, will be provided .

10. To preserve confidentiality of information, contracting parties strictly agree not to disclose the details to any Third Party, without consent.

Contact Numbers:

India: +918901889439

Germany : +491705218918

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