trademark infringement

Can plant varieties get IPR protection?

India is a member of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) with 5080 varieties With climate change and evolving industrial dynamics food security and bio-diversity has become a growing concern worldwide. Agriculture and sustainable plant variety are today a hot bed topic for the industry of food rights and […]

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What makes a good intellectual property (IP) strategy for investors?

Many late-stage startups and tech firms with new product line ups are often caught up thinking how to raise funds for their business. While post-pandemic world has seen a surge in new Techpreneurs, the competition has also become immensely sophisticated. So much so that raising capital and attracting venture capitalists (VCs) has become an artform.

What makes a good intellectual property (IP) strategy for investors? Read More »

How To Secure Your Brand’s Intellectual Property Rights in Metaverse and NFTs?

In the virtual world, metaverse and trading NFTs have witnessed a significant surge for the past few years. While the pandemic has created a rise of multitude of opportunities to leverage new brands and businesses, so have legal challenges related to intellectual properties such as virtual copyright rights, virtual trademarks and trade dress, metaverse patented

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