new business

Paying for Stocks with Intellectual Properties Yay or Nay?

With AI and the digital revolution reaching the last miles across the globe. A pro-IP rights era is dawning upon the world that is bound to trigger financial innovation and new ways of how we look at business investments. In 2020, data by the Ocean Tomo IP firm illustrated that intangible assets attributed 90 percent …

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How to stop your customers from buying counterfeits?

A market survey report on counterfeits by Scam Adviser reports that 56% of all global consumers buy counterfeits; however, just 16% admitted to knowingly having bought fakes. The report also suggests that 38 percent bought a fake and then realised it was not the original. It is a fact that counterfeits have become a market …

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Must Ask Questions for New IP Strategy Investors

Innovation and investment into intellectual properties is quickly becoming mainstream policy need for every country. While start-ups and investor funded companies have existed for long, investments into IP strategies are looking up as a new avenue for management of market risks. Though financial advisors may suggest you a variety of means to help make an …

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Iconic Packaging and IP rights: Must Knows

No, your trademarked brand name is not enough. Product packaging is one of the most under-estimated areas of intellectual property protection. While, manufacturing focuses on meeting the production and distribution scales, customers still seek to experience the premium on what they pay. Think Toblerone, Nutella, Tiffany , or a Lamborghini . The packaging industry of …

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Licensing or Franchising : Which one is right for you?

Diversification and expansion are a natural progression for any business entity seeking to minimize its risks and enhance its competitive abilities. For instance, the brand, Disney is one of the biggest businesses based off on licensing. Disney’s consumer products, licenses its commercial rights for movies, characters, and designs, to other companies. Often at Nicomedia IP …

Licensing or Franchising : Which one is right for you? Read More »

Deflationary Effect of Investing in Intellectual Properties and Innovation

The prospect for deflation due to innovation and intellectual properties for the Eurasian Markets in 2023 are looking robust. Even though the current inflation rates exceed at an annual 6.5- 7 per cent, subsequent stimulus by global governments for technology and manufacturing innovation is exceedingly looking positive to promote a deflationary effect. Despite rising economic …

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Who owns your Brand? You or the Manufacturer? Trademark wars and counterfeits

“As if the loss incurred by global markets due to trade of counterfeit and pirated goods was not enough modern counterfeiters have now found another means to dodge the law enforcement…” Global supply deployment into global south and supply chain disruptions due the pandemic have been a great opportunity for manufacturing networks and counterfeit industry, …

Who owns your Brand? You or the Manufacturer? Trademark wars and counterfeits Read More »

Freedom To Operate (FTO) for startups: What, Why’s and How’s

So, you have developed a ground-breaking technology and want to sell it in Europe but do not want any patent or design infringements, what are your options? FTO analysis will help you determine the commercial scope of your new endevours as well as reduce investors’ concerns about the marketability of the product, process, or service …

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